Barter - Chapter 4

Scene 1

His friend - "So? How is it going with her? You think you could get married?"

He - 'I am absolutely clear in that respect. To live with someone for , presumably, whole life! Obviously I want to get married but with my girlfriend..I am not sure. See, I know her already, so the chances of us getting bored with each other very soon are very high. But with a new girl, so much of time would just pass in knowing each other, you know!, the initial excitement. What do you think? and we are both very clear on not getting married (to each other) anyway.

His friend (leaves room) - " I haven't heard something as stupid as this!" 

Scene 2

Her friend - " But why are you doing this? Rehan likes you and you know that if you go ahead in a relationship and may be eventually marriage also, your parents would not object. They why would you go for something as illogical as arranged."

She - " I am absolutely clear in that respect. If tomorrow he leaves me where would I go. I would be the one to be blamed! I know that my parents would not shun me or something but it would always be like - it was my decision because I asked to marry him, I don't want that. If someone has to turn out to be a devil, let it be the one who they chose, so that I am not the one to be blamed."

Her friend (leaves room) - "I haven't heard something as stupid as this!" 

Barter it is. 


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