Diaries of Disappointment ( Residential Nightmares)

The clock stuck 3:30 but sleep was far from making its way to us as we sat to do nothing but listen to our new roommate at the paying guest accommodation we had just moved into, about our landlady.To summarize what she told us, 

Account of personal encounters with Landlady:

She is a dark and an overweight women of average height in her forties raising a daughter and son on her own.  She runs her own psychometric testing center which is over priced and she will forcefully put your finger on the testing device and then ask you to pay. She will text you consistently every hour , wait for you in your room and show her aggression to force money out of you for a service that you never asked for.Once you pay her the security deposit for place, forget it! In case you thought that you would fight for the security deposit while leaving the place, 'lol', call your boy-friend/boyfriend/fiance, she will publicly embarrass you, assassinate your character, throw your stuff out on road and stoop so low that you will withdraw and leave. But then calling police is also an option, you wish! Picture ni dekhte kya?, sab bikau hain! 

While you may think it is hardly wise to lend credibility anything based on hearsay, let me share with you that I have personally been at the receiving end of one of above shared incidents.  

Of course, we left the place, to move into another new finely built paying guest accommodation. It had a nice cook, an A.C. installed, a bathroom to be shared with 2 other girls, but because they had different shift it couldn't have posed a problem, and no in-timings. Once we moved in, 

Account of personal experience: 

First one week was a breeze of relief from our last brush. But, that's it about it! What followed later was way short of our expectations from an accommodation and more so in terms of expectation from a commitment of a service. The bill for wi-fi connection was never paid. The bathroom turned into a battle ground for 7 girls every morning every one of them wanting to leave by 9:30 a.m., compounded by the dumbness of a few of them. Once the air conditioner broke down, you could expect electrician in vain to eventually after atleast 50 follow-ups on daily basis, to find out that the '___' had installed one extra A.C in a room than was permitted in another room to get more renters. 
More than once we found that our room and washroom had been used in our absence. I say that because once we found the cook's vest on our bed, another time we found the door locked from inside and the landlord came out. At another  instance, we saw cook coming out of our washroom. 

The whole experience was more saddening than disappointing for reasons not mentioned and out of scope of series.

Anyway, we moved out again, twice in 4 months, with a lifelong impairment to trust. 

Disappointing, yes!


  1. The quality is awesome... u said u dont wanna get popular..... but i dearly hope u write on some serious topics though.....
    it was good to read...

  2. I feel this is also a very serious topic as this is a real life experience. Blogger is just tryn to tell how ppl change after commitment. I think everybody write about social issues but some share real life experience..
    Kudos to blogger

  3. Even i feel whatever u have jotted down should turn into a social issues. These landlords thinks that they have not rented their properties but they have bought us as their servants. Even i have encountered similar issues in my past 4 years alot.


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